BCCI has increased the age limit of its support staff.

Image Credit Twitter- @BCCI

One thing you might not know about the supporting staff of BCCI is that when the supporting staff attained the age of 60, they were first fired i.e. they were released from their work, and in their place, other persons will going to be appointed.

But now that a lot of requests have come to the BCCI and its demand was very high, then the BCCI has increased the age limit of its support staff till the end of 65 years. That is, they have extended the age limit of 5 years.

Now after this, now the members of the supporting staff working in BCCI will be able to work for BCCI for a more period of 5 years.

The BCCI has decided in its AGM meeting i.e. Annual General Meeting that the members of the supporting staff still working in BCCI can be up to 65 years of age. And he can work as supporting staff for BCCI till the age of 65 years.

This advantage will go directly to the umpire, to the scorer, or to the referee of the match. And due to this advantage, now they will be able to work as a member of the supporting staff even till the age of 65. Giving information on this, the official of BCCI said that now we have the data of all those people. And now they have another 5-year deadline. As long as he will work for BCCI and can take retirement after that, and after the age of 65, he will have to take retirement.

Not only one decision has been taken in the Annual General Meeting of BCCI, but many more decisions have been taken in which development work related to cricket will be done in the areas of North Eastern states like Puducherry, Bihar, Uttarakhand, all of them and there But cricket

improvement programs will be run. Cricket Association in every state has been given ₹10,00,00,000 by BCCI, that is, sanctions have been made for them and with this ₹10,00,00,000, they will do indoor improvement in their fields regarding cricket. That is, they will improve them within their area. And will try to make cricket and their facilities more accessible to the players.

With all this, the BCCI board has taken the decision that Brijesh Patel and MKJ Majumdar will be included in the governing council of the IPL. And all those people will be introduced to Brijesh Patel by MKJ Majumdar.

Simultaneously, the BCCI chief official said that Pragyan Ojha, former arm spinner of the Indian cricket team, will be the representative of the IPL Governing Council this time, which will be appointed by India Cricket Association. Apart from this, BCCI also provided a lot of information and took decisions, including trying to tour cricket, their formation, setting up a technical committee, forming an umpire committee, and apart from all this, all those cricket committees should be avoided in different rules in different ways. Karna, Jai all the work was done by BCCI in Annual General Meeting.