80,000 Fans will come in the Ashes Test series held on Boxing Day.

Image Credit Twitter- @CricketDeDaNaDa

Melbourne City of Australia is being fully re-opened after a full 260 days and the Ashes Test series of Australia vs England will be held during Boxing Day inside the Melbourne Cricket Stadium in this city.

In this Test series, Australia and England will play each other during the 5-day Test series, this Test series has been in controversy for a long time and due to this, now the enthusiasm among the people has increased.

Australia’s Melbourne city Kovid-19 was completely closed after this, which is being opened again after a full 260 days today and as soon as it opened, one of the world’s longest drawn Test series, which we can see in the Ashes. Known as the Test series, it will be held on 8 December and will be held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Boxing Day is celebrated in Australia and all over the world on 26th December and it is celebrated all over the world.

Victoria State Premier Dan Andrew said that he is looking forward to seeing more than 80,000 Fans. They said that-

“I want to see over 80,000 Fans at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Boxing Day and this is what I really want to see”

Dan Andrew said this during the Melbourne City being opened after the havoc of Covid-19, while softening the restriction rules of Covid-19 a bit.

Dan Andrew said that, it may be difficult but it will not be possible. Because it will be easy to sell tickets, but it is our responsibility to handle the people, and we will deliver it.

The last time a Test series with India was played in Australia on Boxing Day, a crowd of 30,000 was seen, which was reduced due to Corona, and after reducing the crowd was only 30,000 left. But this time around 80,000 will not be able to.

The five-Test series of Ashes will be started in Brisbane on December 8 and for this the rules of Kovid-19 will also be taken care of, and keeping in mind that hundred thousand people will not be brought to the Melbourne Cricket Stadium and Melbourne Cricket Ground with a capacity of hundred thousand. Tickets up to 80,000 will be sold there.

In Victoria State, where Melbourne is located, 2000 new corona cases have been seen in the last 24 hours and 11 new deaths have occurred. And it happened in just 24 hours. In the entire Victoria State, 80% of the people have been vaccinated, and that is why the people there have been given the promise of freedom.

Dan Andrew’s comment has given people a lot of confidence, and has boosted people’s confidence that he can come to the stadium to watch the match, and there will be no danger to his life there. Cricket fans had come to Australia to watch cricket, the organizer of this match has also organized the Grand Slam of Tennis at Melbourne Park on January 17 of 2022.

The chances of people coming to this tournament are a little less, but still it has been told by the administration that due to the high vaccination number, now the chances of spreading corona there will be very less.

But the information has not been fixed for whether people will come to Melbourne for tennis matches or not.

Dan Andrew has said only last week that any player who has not vaccinated himself, will not be given visa. And they will be kicked out of the championship.

Many people have raised their voices against this, and they have said that they will refuse to tell whether they have been vaccinated for the corona virus or not.