Due to the injury of Devon Convey of the New Zealand cricket team, Daryl Mitchell has been replaced with him, because in the match against England, New Zealand player and brilliant batsman Devon Convey got angry and hit his hand on the bat. Due to which his metacarpal bone was broken. The head coach of the New Zealand cricket team, ...

Playing for Rajasthani Royals, Ben Stokes was hit hard on his finger, due to which he had to get his finger operated, and this time he will have to undergo another operation on his finger. Due to this there could be a possibility that his playing the Ashes Test series may be questioned and there is every possibility that he ...

A variety of controversial statements have come to the fore for the Ashes match to be held in Australia, keeping an eye on which only England has only one week left, in which they will have to decide whether to play the Ashes in Australia or whether they will be able to play the match on schedule, or the England ...