Yuvraj Singh was arrested for giving caste remark: Haryana Police

Image Credit Twitter: @YUVSTRONG12

The Haryana Police in Hisar said that cricketer Yuvraj Singh was arrested for his casteist remarks as it was a High Court order that accused Yuvraj Singh of making a casteist remark during his fellow cricketer’s lesson.

Giving information over the phone, Superintendent of Police Nitika Gehlot said that we have made only a formal arrest at the moment, and at this time Yuvraj Singh has gone out on bail after filling the bond and Yuvraj Singh will be heard in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Yuvraj Singh had come to Hisar in a very polite manner on Saturday and he handed himself over to him, so a formal rest procedure was started and he is completely out of Bond’s base after a few hours.

Only one formula of Yuvraj Singh was listed. He was not interrogated anywhere, and no pressure was put on him. Yuvraj Singh is currently out on interim bail and there was a special order of the High Court regarding Yuvraj Singh, in which he had given special instructions that the link related to this issue should be found and the case should be handled properly.

The police complaint filed against Yuvraj Singh was done according to the ST SC Act, in which rules have been made regarding the prevention of atrocity of schedule caste and schedule tribe. And according to this, Yuvraj Singh has broken the rule and for this, a formal arrest was made.

Kalsan had filed a police complaint against Yuvraj Singh a year ago where he had said that Yuvraj Singh had said something in abusive language to him during an Instagram chat that hurt the sentiments of his Dalit community.

And thousands of people were watching the live video and in this live chat thousands of people saw and heard him making this casteist remark and due to this the sentiments of the Dalit community have been hurt a lot.

On this, Yuvraj Singh gave his statement saying, “I understand that I have made a mistake while talking to my friends and I have misunderstood things, which is very wrong and as a responsible citizen, I do this. I want to say that if I have inadvertently hurt any community or any person, then I apologize to them for hurting their feeling.

Yuvraj Singh wasn’t questioned about that incident again because that arrest was not brutal. That was only a fine and respectively formal arrest that happen because Yuvraj Singh himself surrenders him to the Hissar Police.

This incident was around one year old but due to the lack of proficiency, this term is still hanging in the sky.